This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom. Isaiah 28:29 ESV
Sometimes people have this notion that what worked in the past will keep on working. Not necessarily so, why? because humanity and civilization is changing. If we do not adapt to the changing world, chances are, we will be left behind. Case in point, decades ago, in mobile technology, the name NOKIA was the most prominent name ever. They almost had a monopoly when it comes to mobile devices because they were so user and text friendly. Texting wise, their keypad was so easy to press you can actually send a message even without looking at your phone. Some students can even reply while there mobile phone is still inside their pockets, they had memorized the characters in NOKIA's multi tap keypad. When Apple and Samsung was starting to dominate the mobile phone industry, NOKIA did not try to catch up or ride the wave until it was too late. They had been left behind so far because they failed to make the right moves.
In life, we can not simply copy paste anything that worked in the past. If it is an eternal principle, it will last the test of time, but the application of the principle also needs wisdom coming from God. God's counsel and wisdom are sought, it can not be purchase, coerced, forced, nor blackmailed. Seek it, ask for it, pray for is, pursue it. His ways and thoughts are definitely higher.