I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. Songs of Solomon 8:4 ESV
In today's Generation, young people ask the question, when is the right time to fall in love? When can we say that it is the proper time to court and be courted by someone? It seems that they are too eager to fall in love, that at the first time they felt attraction to the opposite sex, they think they are already in love. Here, it is said not to stir up or awaken love until it pleases. Instead of asking the right time, ask rather, am I already mature enough to get involved in a relationship with the opposite sex? Am I financially independent already or am I still living from support from my parents. If I will get involved in a relationship and will decide to marry any time soon, can I raise a family with the salary that I now have? Do I have the moral values and commitment to stay pure and holy if I get involved in a relationship with the opposite sex? Instead of looking at what age is right or legal, ask ourselves if we have grown as a person and as a Christian that can be ready for a lifelong commitment and relationship not just being attracted to the one we believe to be the right person for us. Do not rush into a relationship, let time grow you and eventually friendships you have developed as you grow in Christ. August 8, 2019