Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18 ESV
Prophetic vision restrains people. When people receive something of divine revelation from God of what they ought to become, they put on restrains in their lives. They will not throw away their life, their strength, their opportunities and act like everybody else who have no definitive purpose in life. A young man who had a vision of a blessed family will go home to his house and wife after office hours and not stay among with the boys with their happenings and night life activities. A man who is determined to save money and put it on investment will have to say no to cravings of coffee and tea from starbucks and coffee bean because of what he wanted to build for his future. A person granted academic scholarship will restrain himself from the many activities of the young people in his era and dovote double time studying and making sure his grades will qualify him to keep his scholarship grant. Visions and retrains go hand in hand. It is not limiting your freedom. Itis using your freedom for the more important things is life. A person who envisions a strong walk with God will not sacrifice his prayer life nor bible reading time for other things, why? becuase he is propelled by a prophetic vision. 1 Aug