Happy are your wives! Happy are these your servants, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! 2 Chron 9:7 ESV
Wisdom is supposed to bring happiness to those around us. It was first said that happy are your wives. I won’t even try to try and start a debate on that. That in their culture, multiple spouses were happening and acceptable, think with we, the 12 tribes of Israel came from 2 wives, and 2 maidservants of his wives but they were counted among the tribes of Israel. In New testament days, God has set the standards of choosing men who are husbands of but one wife. Let us just put it there.
Happy are these your servants. Who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom. Wisdom, the application of knowledge, will eventually bring blessing in the lives of those around us. A person who gets blessed in business because of making right choices blesses the family that he leads. A CEO making the right moves and direction for the company blesses the lives of the people working in that company and are making stockholders happy. A wise father making sound decisions and providing leadership will be able to see happiness part of his family. I life of wisdom is supposed to bring happiness not stress to those around us. A man of wisdom brings happiness not stress. May that sink in for a while. If our family is full of stress instead of happiness, we might not be applying the principles of wisdom. 6 May