The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 ESV
Just when you feel that nothing in this world will endure, you will eventually find rest and security in the word of God. When people don't read, study, meditate, memorize, much more apply the Scriptures, they have nothing to hold on to when everything around them seems to fall apart. On the other hand, when followers of Jesus or disciples have the word of God strongly in their hearts, even the most severest of trial can be overcomed because they have put their confidence in an unchanging God and his unchanging Word. No human empire will last forever, no economy is exempted from financial turmoil, no business is 100% certain to make profit. Nothing is sure nor certain in this world except God and his Word. Hold on to the things that are dependable. Don't neglect your prayer life and your meditation of his words. 19 August