Lam 3:21-24 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
In the direst moments when all hope is lost, when things are falling apart and the prospects of tomorrow do not show a glimpse of things getting better but worse, how do you keep believing? Jeremiah in the book of Lamentation shares some insight into this very familiar situation, he calls to mind- He chooses to recall memories he had acquired in the past. Were there instances too difficult for him that God delivered Him from? Were there seemingly hopeless moments that God drew him out from and placed him in a secure position. He called to remembrance one after the other situations that have proven the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. "His mercies never come to an end." If Jeremiah really believes that God's mercies are endless then his condition is never final. If an iota of mercy is available in God, even the impossible becomes possible. This truth changes the whole playing field for Jeremiah. He can whisper to himself and encourage himself in the LORD "you are not doomed" against the voices that shout to his ears that "your life will end this way.", "the things you face today will be last things to be written in your biography" - do not fall into the trap even when your physical senses agree with these lies. One more thing Jeremiah says "The LORD is my portion, therefore I will hope in him". God is his portion, God is his heritage, I love it when other translation puts it this way "God is all I need (CEV), God is all I have (GNB) The moment this truth sinks in, a sense of calm can envelop anyone facing anything. 2020 Sep 29