And the Lord said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the Lord, that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” Numbers 25:4 ESV
In Numbers 22-24 Balak summoned Balaam to curse the people of God, but God did not permit him to do so. He can not curse what God has blessed. But in Numbers 25 verse 1, we can see here that the people got involved in sexual immorality with the women of Moab and they enticed them to idol and Baal worship. These kindled the anger of the Lord and eventually twenty four thousand people died because of this. (verse 9) The plan of Barak to curse them them did not work, but the rebellion of the people by getting involved in sexual immorality and idol worship invited curse upon themselves. This does not in any way show that God changes his mind. God remains the same, it is because the people had chosen to sin against Him that they have to face the consequences of their sins.
People ask how about the New Covenant wherein God already forgiven us of all our sins? Indeed, because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we who believes Him and acknowledge that salvation only comes from Him have our sins forgiven but it does not mean we will not have to deal with the consequences of our sins. Christians who have surrendered their lives to God are not yet perfect, we will still commit sins. Our sins will no longer be counted against us but we have to live with its consequences. Great thing is that God's mercy triumphs over judgment. In God's hands, we can not be cursed by outside forces, but we should live lives that honors God and not indulge in sin, for that is no longer who we are in Christ. 17 February