In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25 ESV
The last verse of the book summarized the entirety of Judges. When the people had no leader, they do things on their own. When left for themselves, they will do what is right in their own eyes. If the basis of what is right and wrong is every persons concept of right and wrong, then everything in life will be subjective. What is right for me may not be right someone else. What is right for others may not be right for me. There has to be a standard in life that is firm and unmovable, and the only thing that can provide that in a continuously changing world is the Word of God - the ultimate standard for life. Mind you, you and I cannot fully follow Scriptures on our own. We will all fall short. This is basically sin when it is defined as missing the mark. We will miss the target and we will all fall short. The only way we can follow Scripture is by the grace given us by God when we repent of our sins and believe Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins. God will forgive us and He will adopt us into his family. Then we will no longer be people without a leader. His Holy Spirit will lead us. He will guide us in our everyday life. He will help us understand Scriptures and He will remind us especially during the times the we really need it. Again, left on our own, we will do as we please. Left on our own, we will do what we believe to be good and right in our own eyes. So in order for us to be able to live the life worthy of the call God placed upon us, let us be dependent on the Holy Spirit to lead us to follow Scriptures on a daily basis. 19 March