In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him. Eccl 7:14 ESV
Life is not all ups, neither is it all downs. The teacher says in the day of prosperity be joyful - enjoy it. appreciate it, be content with it. Some people even in days of prosperity can not be joyful. They have a sense of competitiveness and drive that they have to outperform others even in time of prosperity. In the season of prosperity, increase, abundance, be joyful. Do not waste the moment, enjoy it. Enjoy what God is doing in your life but not to the extent of not preparing for difficult times ahead. I believe we already learned this lesson from the life of Joseph while he was in Egypt. Another reminder, in the day of adversity consider. It did not say in the day of adversity complain, look for people to blame, pass the buck, none of that. In the day of adversity consider, ponder, think, and think deeply. Why? because even at that God will provide a way out and a way to keep providing for His children. God is and will always remain faithful. We just need to keep ourselves in the right mindset and attitude when different seasons in life pass us by. 4 August