“I loathe my life; I will give free utterance to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. Job 10:1 ESV
God is so great and awesome that we can be totally be honest with Him and not be judged. Job was honest to pour out the condition of his soul to God knowing that Job will still be loved, accepted, and not judged by God. Something that very few people in the world can do. Even Christian counselors sometimes have the tendency to judge and adjudge the people who are going to the for counsel. Job says with God he will and he can spill the bitterness of his soul. This is something that you and I must learn to do. Bring your hurts, pains, struggles and even bitterness to God and not to people. When you bring your bitterness to people, you might corrupt them in the process, when you bring them to God, He heals and cleanses you. Establish a place to encounter God, tell Him your story, talk to him about your life, spill your life to Him, the good the bad, and the ugly. He won't condemn you and I. He will minister to us. 29 May