A thousand shall flee at the threat of one; at the threat of five you shall flee, till you are left like a flagstaff on the top of a mountain, like a signal on a hill. Isaiah 30:17 ESV
When you know for a fact that you're doomed, what do you do? Imagine the though, thousands flee at the threat of one, and we are not even talking about the nuclear age when one push of a button a whole country can explode or obliterate. Wars in Bible days were fought hand to hand. They used swords, arrows, spears, clubs, whips, no big explosives, no weapons of mass destruction yet the terror that was set upon their hearts was simply jaw dropping. A thousand flee at the threat of one, and at the threat of five everybody run for their lives. When you know the hand of God is against you, it does not matter how many are your enemies, even one becomes a majority - you won't succeed.
On the bright side of it... put yourself on the other side, even if you are alone, with God on your side, you are still a majority. Samson was able to kill a thousand men that had surrounded him. Elijah was able to eliminate 450 prophets of Baal in one day. God is the majority on the battlefield. 23 Oct 2018