So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her. Genesis 29:20 ESV
What inspires you to do something. What motivates you to work. Of course, God is our number one motivation when we wake up in the morning. Next to God what motivates you to work. What motivates you to keep on keeping on. While people around us drag themselves out of bed, motivated people jump out of bed and goes to work. When others turn on their bed as if connected by a hinge, others jump out of bed and fix their bed right away. While others drag themselves and report late for work, others are excited for another day that they can be productive in life. Seven years for Jacob seemed a few days because of his love for her. If you read the entire account, it was actually fourteen years, because after the seven years, he had to work another seven years.
Apart from God, who inspires you to give your best. Are you still single? are your parents and their dedication enough inspiration for you to aspire greatness. Are you a newly wed? is your spouse and the prospect of a blessed and abundant life as a family giving you motivation and inspiration to work and give your best. Do you have kids? Does looking at them inspire you to work harder and push yourself to give your best in all that you do.
God is our number one motivation, don't get me wrong. He is more than enough to get us moving and going... but when God grants us people to love, to care for, to provide for, to nourish and care for, it motivates us to work harder, longer, smarter, and be inspired while doing so. 10 January