You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you. Ezekiel 28:15 ESV
The account in Ezekiel 28 was able to give light on how Lucifer fell. He was blameless in his ways till unrighteousness was found in him. Verse 11 says he was the signet of perfection. Wow, that is beauty that will attract attention. full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Let's try to focus on that thought for a while. Move from the times of Ezekiel to the present 2018. Today, beauty and wisdom is sought out by people. The rich will spend fortune to enhance their beauty. They will even spend a larger fortune just to preserve their beauty. Career people will keep pursuing knowledge because competition is everywhere. They study in pre-school, elementary, junior high, senior high, college, and even take post graduate units to keep on improving their knowledge. Lucifer had both these things in exceeding measure. It was granted to him by God when he was created. He was beauty personified and he was full of wisdom. A warning to us all. We may be full of wisdom, but when we are not full of God, we can make terrible decisions. Solomon was a man full of wisdom. His wisdom was sought by surrounding nations. There was no CNN to broadcast his wisdom. There were no printing press that can publish the information and knowledge that came from his lips. They were manually being written so people will really have to travel to hear the things he has to say... he was indeed very wise, but his actions led him astray. We can be full of beauty, full of talent, full of wisdom... but if we are not full of God, the danger is you and i can be full of ourselves and fall into the same trap. May God graciously fill us with more of Him more than anything in this world. No one full of God can also be filled with himself/herself. 19 November
v 2018