Meanwhile the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard. Genesis 37:36 ESV
Here you are in life. Full of dreams, full of high aspirations, believing everything is possible, that the stars, even the moon and sun will bow before you, when all of a sudden reality gives you a left hook and a straight to the jaw, and down you go. Knocked down in the boxing of life. Joseph, because he was the favored son thought that everything will come his way because it was always like that with his father. But boy did he have to wake up to reality. In chapter 37 alone of Genesis, we found him sold twice. Like a commodity being passed from one person to another in order to make a profit. People were making money out of selling his life. How would that make you feel? What kind of damage will that do to the self worth of a person when people literally buy you for a price? and sells you again for a price with a little profit. It will make you feel small and worthless, that the possibility of your grand dreams coming to reality seems improbable already. But in the life of Joseph, God made it work.
Fast forward to this generation. What are your dreams? Your aspirations? Your God given dreams and purpose? And how does life been treating you in line with your dreams? Is life hitting you hard? Is life like a prepared boxer that is hitting you left and right. Just stand up. Life's blow won't kill you. Keep holding on to the promises of God. Keep holding on the dreams God gave you. What people intend for evil God can turn around for good. What others might consider as life's setback can be training ground, place and season for God to mold and shape your character, attitude to prepare you for the things He originally designed for you. Keep on. Don't quit on your dreams and don't quit on God. 13 January