Eze 3:8-9 ESV Behold, I have made your face as hard as their faces, and your forehead as hard as their foreheads. Like emery harder than flint have I made your forehead. Fear them not, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house.”
There are times when God sends us to do deliver a message to a specific group of people and the recipients are unresponsive. It may sometimes affect us because we may feel that we are in the wrong place, doing the wrong things, saying the wrong words because people do not respond. We have this tendency to feel responsible when our audience do not respond as we expect them to with what we are saying.
This may not always be true for all circumstances. Noah preached a message that people did not believe. Here Ezekiel was being sent to a people who God says will not listen to him because they won't even listen to God Himself. They are characterized as a rebellious house. Simply put, we are not responsible for how people respond to the messages we deliver, but we are always responsible to deliver that message that God wants to relay. If people are stubborn, God will enable us to be more stubborn than they are. We will not change the message just because they do not like it. We will not change the message of the Gospel just because it is offensive to the Jews and foolishness of the Gentiles, we will keep delivering the message sent us to speak.
God will also give us the strength and the hardness that is needed when the time comes. I am not saying hardness of heart or hardness of character but the immovability of a rock and the hardness of flint not to give up, God will give his messenger the courage and strength that is needed to stay firm, strong, courageous, and true to the message that God wants to deliver to whom He wants to deliver it. 2020 Sept 30