And David said, “Is there still anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?” 2 Samuel 9:1 ESV
Two names mentioned in this verse, Saul and Jonathan. Saul, who had been trying all these time to put an end to David’s life. He tried everything he can to kill David. He knew for a fact that as long as David lives, his reign as king has already ended. Even when David had not yet been crowned king, it was only a matter of time for it to happen. Well, for one Samuel already anointed David next king in Israel. The other name mentioned was Jonathan. The prince in Israel. Who for successions sake, is next in line to the throne. Saul was so full of insecurity trying to keep a position God allowed him to have. On the other hand, his son, Jonathan who had legal right to the throne in the perspective of men, is so willing to let David be the next king knowing that God’s hand was upon David. It was even a cause of disagreement between King Saul and Jonathan when Jonathan covered for David. The king said to paraphrase. You will never be king as long as David is alive. One was so insecure to cling to power. One was so secure to let God promote the one right for the throne. David made a choice, The king wanted me dead, while his son wanted me king. I will repay the family of Saul not based on the evil he had done against me, but on the basis of the kindness Jonathan had shown me. David did not hold against Saul the evil he had done, but credited to Jonathan the good deeds he has done. Allow me to fast forward life to April 2, 2019. Do we keep record of wrongs? Do we hold grudges? Can we remember the bad things people have done against us? Or we chose to dwell in the wonderful deeds others had demonstrated to us. What do you choose to remember? Life is too short to be bitter with few people and miss the great number of wonderful people around us. 2 April