I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies. Songs of Solomon 6:3 ESV
In a world where exclusivity and commitment in a relationship is no longer a priority, how are we supposed to live as Christians? There are people today who does not want commitment nor responsibility in their relationships. They want the pleasure of the companionship without the responsibility nor the exclusivity in it. Some mutually agree that both parties can date whoever they choose without being accountable nor answerable to their partners. If this is friendship, then let it remain friendship. But if we are talking about a relationship that is being prepared for a lifelong commitment, you better change your perspective. There has to be exclusivity and responsibility. You are to be married to but one spouse. You are his, and he is yours. Here it is said that I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. That’s ownership. That’s exclusivity. You don’t go around changing partners, it takes commitment for a relationship to work. August 7