When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him. 2 Chron 12:1 ESV
Sad, but these things happen even today. People even Christians keep asking God to promote them, establish them, secure them in life and is position, then they abandon the Lord. You see people start right. They have their priorities in order. Then God starts to promote them. Little by little their hearts and priorities are affected by the deceitfulness of wealth. Instead of life revolving around God, life now revolves around their career and the security that comes with it. They keep getting promotion and salary keeps on increasing they even begin to count how big their tithes are now. Come to think of it. Any amount of increase in the tithe will always equate an increase in take home because the entire salary was increased. It was not just the 10% tithe that increased, the accompanying 90% in what of the salary increased as well. What more priorities are mixed up. When the work demands something that conflicts with church, church is now sacrificed, and a cycle begins. This is not true for all, but this can be a temptation for all. From the onset to a place of stability. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. Let us not exchange the blessing from the blesser. Let us not exchange an established life with the One who established everything in us. May we never abandon God for anything this world can offer. 7 May.