But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. Daniel 1:8 ESV
Resolved - defined as firmly determined to do something. Daniel was not going to try. He was to do it no matter what. The decision had been made. And he will not change his mind when things get a little tougher. His choice: not to defile himself with the king's food, or wine. People of all walks of life will have their own story to tell. A student who does not have the money decided to apply for college scholarship and work part time just to finish college and provide for the needs of his family. An athlete, like Usain Bolt, who had to beat his coach in running so he can have a free lunch in school, was determined to win the Olympic gold and put his country on the medal boards. A boxer of meager beginnings becomes 8th division champion in boxing. These and more people, did not simply try. They were resolved with what they were pursuing. How about you and I? What is something we are resolved with? Is my devotional time with God something worth fighting for i won't let go of it? Is making disciples something i have resolved to pursue and be part of my DNA or am i only going to do it when it's convenient? Nike says "Just do it". Let me say do it, and do it no matter what. 26 Nov 2018