“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you and destroy all their figured stones and destroy all their metal images and demolish all their high places. Numbers 33:51-52 ESV
When you get to the place of your inheritance, you have to drive out all the inhabitants of the land. Things in life are not handed on a silver platter. Most of the times we have to fight for it. Even if this was the inheritance of the Israelites, they need to drive out the inhabitants of the land. People again may look at this on two angles: one, that obstacles lies between you and your inheritance, second: if there were no inhabitants in the land, then they will ave to build from zero. If there are inhabitants you will drive out from the land, most of the things you need to live are already been there. Discovered or built. Water source, irrigation, dam, place for farming, houses to live in, and most of the things they need to start living the life called them to live, in the land of their inheritance.
In the place God is giving us as our own, we need to remove everything that is not pleasing to God. Here, God instruct them to destroy the idols of stones, metals, and demolish the high places; the place where the people indulge in sin, immorality, and rebellion against God. There has to be no place of syncretism in the kingdom of God. We can not mesh worship of God with the worship of idols. We can not join the practices of the people God drove out as He gave us our inheritance. Let us fight for our inheritance and keep ourselves from the practices of the people, nations that have defied God because of their evil practices. 19 February