For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall, Isaiah 25:4 ESV
Not all battles need to be fought. In fact, most of the battles that are worth fighting are not our own. When David fought Goliath, that was not primarily for personal gain, it was because Goliath defied the name of the God of Israel, When Elijah fought the prophets of Baal, it is because once and for all Elijah wanted to show the world there is one God and one alone, the God of Israel.
When Martin Luther King Jr fought, he fought for the rights of black people not just in America but for all the world. When Mother Theresa fought against poverty so that children in India could have food for their stomach, she chose to fight the right battles. Don't try to fight and engage in unworthy battles. Some just had to be brought to God in prayers and let God deal with them. When Nehemiah was being bullied, criticized and attacked by Sanballat and Tobiah, he did not waste energy with these duo, he simply brought the issue to God and prayed that God will deal with them accordingly. May we be wise to choose our battles. for not all deserve our energy and attention. (22 Oct 2018)