Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psa 34:19 ESV
Not too many followers have embraced this truth. Many still try to convince themselves that by putting their trust and faith in Jesus Christ, all their problems will go away, that they will be storm free. Some even go as far as saying accept Jesus and all your problems will go away. This statements leads to the disillusionment of some people. May we as Christians won't give false promises God never gave us. Don't give false hope to people. Here, the psalmist says many are the afflictions of the righteous. This is reality being told bluntly. This is full disclosure. No small prints in the contract. You want to be right with God? Are you willing to accept Christ in our heart as Lord and savior? There will be many afflictions that goes with it. You are not exempted from these afflictions, but the guarantee that i can give as the psalmist had said is the LORD will deliver us from all of them. 20 June